Ikan in the Ministry: Video Equipment for Churches

When you think of video equipment and lighting, the first thing that usually comes to mind is a movie set. However, there are many places other than a movie set that rely on good video equipment. One place that depends on great audio and video equipment is a church. What kind of production equipment does […]

Filming With Gimbals in Los Angeles – DS1 Beholder

With gimbals and Steadicams, there’s no excuse to have shaky video footage now unless cinematographers are going for that shaky cam effect. Not familiar with what a gimbal stabilizer is or what gimbals are? Well, handheld 3-axis gimbals are used in stabilization systems that are designed to give the camera operator the independence of handheld […]

Lighting Trends in Cinematography and the CV600

Lighting has a huge impact on the end product whether it be an indie film, a photo, or a blockbuster movie. Figuring out how to correct the lighting can be hard especially if you don’t have the right tools. With the current trends in lighting and color always changing, cinematographers will need the proper tools […]

Testing the CV600 Spectrometer at Planes of Fame

Jay P. Morgan of The Slanted Lens recently tested out our CV600 spectrometer while interviewing a WWII veteran, Wilbur Richardson, about his book, Aluminum Castles. The CV600 is a color spectrometer as well as an exposure meter. In the video, Jay used the CV600 spectrometer to balance the different temperatures in the hanger at the […]

IBC 2016: Gimbals, Light Panels, and More

Earlier this month, we packed our bags and traveled to Amsterdam for IBC 2016, an annual conference for the electronic media and entertainment industry. This year, we had a team of four attend and work the Ikan booth. After about a 9 hour flight from Houston to Amsterdam, we arrived jetlagged, but ready to set up […]

BIRTV ’16, Vendor Meetings and Factory Tours in China

Last month, a couple of us from Ikan traveled to Beijing, China to attend BIRTV (China’s version of NAB) as well as to tour the facilities of our top vendors and manufacturers across China. We take a trip to China every year because it helps us see what’s going on in that country and what would be […]

Ikan Releases Latest Gimbal Stabilizer EC1

We are excited to be releasing our latest gimbal stabilizer, the EC1, which is an improved version of the DS1 and now has even more features. It has a redesigned quick release baseplate system, which makes it easier and faster to balance. Also, the EC1 is compatible with DSLR and mirrorless cameras up to 4.5 […]

Want To Go Behind The Scenes of Sports Broadcasting?

The official start of the fall season is just around the corner. You know what that means: cooler weather, sweaters, football, and for some, pumpkin spice everything. One thing that many Houstonians and Texans in general are excited about is football. This football season is extra special because Houston will be hosting Super Bowl LI, […]

What Did Guy Kawasaki Think About Our Gimbals?

If you’re from the marketing world or if you’re a fan of Apple, you’ve probably heard of Guy Kawasaki. For those not familiar with Guy, he is most well-known for being one of the Apple employees who was originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh computer line in 1984. His work helped popularize evangelism marketing and […]

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