Easy Ways To Make Your Video Footage Look More Cinematic

Easy Ways To Make Your Video Footage Look More Cinematic

When you’re someone who loves working professionally with video footage, capturing that truly cinematic look is exciting. However, of course, not everyone sees the perfect path to making content look like a blockbuster instead of lackluster. Luckily, enhancing your content isn’t as laborious as you might expect, requiring little more than careful planning. Let’s discuss […]

Tips for Protecting Professional Videography Equipment

High-quality, professional-grade videography gear has reliable functionality and durability. Unfortunately, not making an effort to protect your video equipment can compromise both standards. Equipment damage is nothing new to the industry, so various tips and preventative measures exist. Use the list below to learn the top tips for protecting professional videography equipment on and off […]

Creative Videography Trends We Hope To See Continue in 2022

Videography is a broad term that can refer to motion pictures, social media shorts, live streams, and many more types of video productions. Behind these types of videography are innovative individuals who can bring a new spin to current trends or revolutionize a new trend entirely. Read this list to discover the most creative videography […]

How To Troubleshoot DMX Lighting Problems in a Pinch

How To Troubleshoot DMX Lighting Problems in a Pinch

Digital Multiplex Signal (DMX) lightning systems are common and convenient tools for TV sets, stage plays, and many more professional productions. This lighting solution provides the crew optimal control over an extensive lighting setup to improve efficiency on set and the quality of the finished video product. Unfortunately, DMX systems can run into various technical […]

How To Identify and Resolve Autofocus Issues When Filming

How To Identify and Resolve Autofocus Issues When Filming

Camera operators have multiple methods of focusing the footage in-frame, including autofocus. Perfect camera focus ensures a sharp, clear image. Unfortunately, out-of-focus video makes it more challenging for the audience to connect with the footage. If autofocus hinders the footage you’re trying to capture, troubleshooting can solve the problem successfully. Use our guide below to […]

How To Protect Your Videography Equipment in Cold Weather

How To Protect Your Videography Equipment in Cold Weather

Using professional-grade videography equipment requires special attention to storage and handling on set. For instance, shooting in warm and cold weather are two very different scenarios but are both attainable with the proper preparation. Read these tips to learn how to protect your videography equipment in cold weather conditions. The Power of Plastic Bags The […]

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