Category Archives: Blog

Tips for Selecting the Right Live Streaming Platform

Using broadcasting hardware and software for working from home or live streaming video games requires some preparation. If you find yourself struggling with a certain platform, don’t worry; it’s not uncommon and there are some key factors you can use to find a more compatible service provider. These tips for selecting the right live streaming […]

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Live Stream Lighting

Lighting is a key component of any video production, even if you’re live streaming games at home. High-quality video isn’t something all streamers think about. Theoretically, you can stream with very minimal equipment, but that’s not going to deliver top-tier content to your audience. In many ways, the quality of a live stream is indicative […]

Questions To Ask When Purchasing Studio Lighting Equipment

Questions To Ask When Purchasing Studio Lighting Equipment

Buying studio lights might sound simple, but there are key factors you have to consider during your search. To avoid making costly mistakes while shopping for gear, familiarize yourself with the key questions to ask when purchasing studio lighting equipment. Asking yourself these questions and speaking with your equipment vendor about them can prevent you […]