HomeStream™ 76″ Tall Portable Pull-Up Chroma Key Green Screen


Model: HS-GS76

  • Portable Pro-Level Chroma Key Green Screen
  • Aluminum Enclosure
  • Fast Setup Time (3 to 7 Seconds)
  • Wrinkle-Free Material
  • Convenient Collapsible Design
  • Screen Width: 57.5″
  • Maximum Screen Height: 76″
  • Use for Photography, SFX Compositing, Game Streaming, Blogging, Interviews, etc.

A green screen kit is a versatile tool that almost anyone can use for any production, whether it’s big or small. The HomeStream™ 76″ tall portable pull-up chroma key green screen is the right choice for you, allowing you to transport yourself or your subjects almost anywhere. It’s great for when you want to interview a subject and then edit them into a scene later, but it’s also the right choice for someone who simply wants to make their background disappear. Whatever needs you have, you can easily meet them with this quality green screen you can take and set up anywhere.

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