When to Use a Pedestal vs. Tripod:

A Guide Featuring the Ikan EP880XK & EP890XK

In the world of video production, choosing the right camera support system is crucial for capturing high-quality footage. Two of the most common options are tripods and pedestals, each with its own set of advantages and ideal use cases. In this blog post, we’ll explore when to use a pedestal versus a tripod and highlight the features of the Ikan International EP880XK, a top-tier camera pedestal.

Understanding the Basics: Tripods vs. Pedestals


Tripods are versatile and widely used in both photography and videography. They consist of three legs and a head that holds the camera. Tripods are known for their portability, ease of setup, and ability to provide stable support for a wide range of cameras. They are ideal for static shots, long exposures, and situations where the camera needs to remain stationary.

Pedestals, on the other hand, are more specialized and are commonly used in professional broadcast environments. Unlike tripods, pedestals allow for smooth vertical movement (pedestal up/down) and are equipped with wheels for easy horizontal movement. This makes them perfect for dynamic shots that require smooth transitions and precise control over camera positioning.


When to Use a Tripod

  • Static Shots: Tripods are perfect for scenarios where the camera remains stationary, such as interviews, landscapes, sports, and still photography.
  • Portability: If you need to move quickly between locations, a tripod’s lightweight and foldable design make it easy to transport and set up.
  • Budget-Friendly: Tripods are generally more affordable than pedestals, making them a great choice for budget-conscious projects.

When to Use a Pedestal

  • Dynamic Shots: Pedestals excel in situations that require smooth vertical and horizontal movements, such as live broadcasts, studio productions, and event coverage.
  • Heavy Equipment: Pedestals are designed to support heavier camera setups, including professional broadcast cameras with teleprompters and large lenses. Pedestals are designed to not only support heavy equipment, but are also crucial in performing your camera movements with ease and fluidity.
  • Precision Control: The ability to make fine adjustments to the camera’s height and position makes pedestals ideal for complex shots that require precise framing.
  • Professional Environments: Pedestals are a staple in television studios and other professional settings where high-quality, stable footage is essential.

Introducing the Ikan International EP880XK & EP890XK

  • Pneumatic Carbon Fiber Construction: The EP880XK is built with high-quality carbon fiber, making it both lightweight and durable. The pneumatic system allows for smooth and effortless height adjustments.
  • Adjustable Counterbalance and Drag: The adjustable counterbalance and drag settings allow for fine-tuning the camera’s movement, ensuring stability and smooth transitions.
    • EP880XK: 54 steps of adjustable counterbalance
    • EP890XK: 72 steps of adjustable counterbalance
  • Directional Dolly: The included dolly features lockable wheels, allowing for easy and stable movement across studio floors.

The Ikan International EP880XK & EP890XK are state-of-the-art camera pedestal designed for professional broadcast camera operators. Here are some of their standout features:


  • 150mm Fluid Head: Equipped with a 150mm fluid head, this pedestal ensures smooth panning and tilting, providing precise control over camera movements.
  • 88 lbs Payload Capacity: With a payload capacity of 88 lbs, the EP880XK can support heavy camera setups, including large broadcast cameras and accessories.





  • Flat-Base Fluid Head: Equipped with a 6-bolt flat-base fluid head, this pedestal ensures smooth panning and tilting, providing precise control over camera movements.
  • 138 lbs. Payload Capacity: With a robust payload capacity of 138 lbs., the EP880XK can support heavy camera setups, including large broadcast cameras, teleprompters, and accessories.




Why Choose the Ikan EP880XK?

The Ikan EP880XK is an excellent choice for professional videographers and broadcasters who require a reliable and versatile camera support system. Its combination of lightweight construction, high payload capacity, and precise control makes it ideal for a wide range of applications, from studio productions to live events.

Why Choose the Ikan EP890XK instead of the EP880K?

Both the EP890XK and EP880XK are robust and highly-capable pedestal systems. The main difference between the two is the EP890XK’s ability to handle larger camera set-ups, with an upgraded payload of 138.6 lbs. This gives you ample room to include not only a large heavy broadcast camera and lens, but your teleprompters, talent monitor, viewfinder, and other accessories and camera operator might need. The EP890XK also has more steps of counterbalance than the EP880XK, 72 instead of 54, to handle the increased camera payload.


Choosing between a tripod and a pedestal depends on your specific needs and the type of shots you want to capture. While tripods offer versatility and portability, pedestals like the Ikan International EP880XK & EP890XK provide the stability and precision required for professional video production. By understanding the strengths of each support system, you can make an informed decision and elevate the quality of your footage.


For more information on the Ikan International EP880XK, EP890XK and other camera support systems, visit Ikan International.