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Professional Video On-Camera LED Lights

When you’re filming a production out in the field, on-camera LED lights serve as some of the most versatile lighting solutions available. These cold shoe–mounted video lights help camera operators balance their daylight exposure during the day, or they add crucial light to dark environments. Ikan has developed a line of professional video on-camera LED lights that deliver field-tested reliability, solid construction, and all the features required for professional video productions. Check out our inventory to find the perfect light that fits the specifications for your next project.

If you need help finding the on-camera LED light you’re looking for, or if you have questions about Ikan’s products, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is made up of passionate professionals like you, and we’ll be happy to help you find the equipment you need!

iLED-MAHome Broadcasting Equipment

Home Broadcasting Equipment

Micro On-Camera Flood Light

iLED-MSHome Broadcasting Equipment

Home Broadcasting Equipment

Micro Spot On-Camera Light

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