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Ikan produces and offers professional broadcast DMX LED lighting systems for use in television studios and other live broadcast locations including in schools, churches, and corporations. Our selection of LED studio lights utilizes professional DMX studio lighting control to give you and your team the ability to completely manage your lighting setup. Beyond the traditional 5-Pin DMX512, Ikan also offers DMX over IP utilizing Art-Net and sACN.

What is DMX Control?

DMX stage lighting kits were originally created to control lights on-stage during plays, concerts, and other live performances. DMX stands for “digital multiplex signal” and refers to the user’s ability to completely control their LED lighting systems. Nowadays, DMX LED lighting systems can help people operate a wide variety of applications such as TV studio lighting equipment and various other broadcast production lighting. For more information on how DMX systems provide this control, visit our detailed guide on What is DMX Lighting and How Does It Work.

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Professional Installation Required
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